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Stop Parkin' and Start Livin'

Stop Parkin' and Start Livin'

John C. Coleman

This book is an invaluable resource  for those those diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. It provides a plan of action and significant information which the reader can use to return to good health and as an adjunct to working with supportive therapists.

An excercise programme is included together with information of various modalities that helped the author reverse his symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

By August 1995 John Coleman had lost the power of speech and was wondering how he could go on living.  Suffering symptoms of Stage IV Parkinson's disease, diagnosed by five medical and complementary practitioners, he was unable to walk more than 5 meters without assistance and took up to an hour and a half to dress himself.

Greatly dissatisfied with the treatemnt and prognosis he recievd from western medical practitioners John decided to pursue other pathways to health. With the aid of Homeopathy, Aqua Hydration Formulas, Bowen Therapy, Craniosacral therapy, flower essences, counselling, meditation and spiritual development he was completely symptom-free by April 1998.

ISBN: 9780855723682



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