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Flower Essences

Tara Health Centre include Flower Essences in all our naturopathic consultations as they are so effective in treating emotional upsets and stress as well as physical conditions triggered by emotional reactions.

Stress is an inevitable part of their lives. We all suffer from fears, anxieties, insecurities, shyness, poor self-image, resentment, obtrusive thoughts, apprehension and more. Using flower essences is a method of alleviating negative emotional states that may contribute to illness or hinder personal growth.

They are a very powerful tool that is used effectively to help balance the majority of these negative emotions.

One can achieve a feeling of inner peace, calmness and relaxation without the side effects often associated with tranquilizers and other drugs. Drops of a solution infused with the "essence" of a flower are placed under the tongue or taken in water. The practitioner helps the client choose appropriate essences, focusing on the client's emotional state rather than on a particular physical condition.


Flower remedies have been used for centuries by different cultures, for instance we have Bush Flower Essences here in Australia.  The flower remedies can alleviate feelings such as anger, jealousy, guilt and break patterns like rigid thoughts, indecision and a sense of being overwhelmed.

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flowers are an effective and natural healing method using wild flowers.  Discovered by Dr Edward Bach in England in the 1930's they are used to treat both the body and the mind.  By treating the emotional state of a person, as well as their physical complaints, a holistic approach to healing is found.

As Dr. Bach, says in his book Heal Thyself,  

"Just as God in His mercy has given us food to eat, so has He placed amongst the herbs of the fields beautiful plants to heal us when we are sick. These are there to extend a helping hand to man in those darker hours of forgetfulness when he loses sight of his Divinity, and allows the cloud of fear or pain to obscure his vision."

"There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind, and inner happiness" Dr. Edward Bach, 1934

Rescue Remedy is a well known Bach Flower Remedy, it is a complex of certain flowers given at times of shock and stress, bringing back a sense of calm and relaxation.

Gentian flower remedy is often used to treat patients suffering from uncertainty and a lack of faith - which may lead to depression and a sceptical attitude.  The positive outcome of this remedy is that it gives confidence and conviction, perseverance and optimism.

Bach flower remedies work at a subtle level, gently helping to restore balance restore and bring about a greater sense of well being.  

Bach Rescue Remedy 20ml

Purchase Flower Essences from our on-line store.

.   .   Australian Bush Flower Essences

Books about Flower Essences are available at Tara Bookshop


 Centre Services

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Treatments: Access Bars ] Access Facelift ] Animal Health ] Biopuncture ] Counselling - Online ] Crystal Healing ] Enzyme Therapy ] Far Infrared Sauna ] [ Flower Essences ] Herbal Medicine ] Homoeopathy ] Indiba or Local Hyperthermia ] Indumed Magnetic Field Therapy ] Kinesiology ] mHBOT - Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ] MORA Bioresonance Therapy ] Mora Colour Therapy ] Matrix Regeneration Therapy ] Nasal Therapy ] Naturopathy ] IO2Th Inhaled Ionised Oxygen Therapy ] Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy ] Reiki ] SCENAR Therapy ] Theta Healing ]

Tara Health Centre and Bookshop - 386 Oxford Street,  Mount Hawthorn, Perth, WEstern Australia 6016 Australia

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