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Theta Healing

What is Theta Healing:
Theta Healing is a method of natural healing that utilizes the theta brain wave frequency. This is a very slow frequency of 4-7 cycles per second that is usually experienced in deep meditative states and during dream states. It is a frequency that is slow enough to connect with the creative force of the Universe. This is the creative field of energy that underlies and gives rise to the matter and form of our physical world. When healing is done from this state it becomes a co-creative process in which the healer goes into a theta state, holds an energy focus and witnesses with their inner eyes as the energy of creation changes and heals the clients energy field.

Where does it come from:
Theta Healing or the Orion Healing Technique as it was originally called was developed by Vianna Stibal after she experienced a spontaneous healing of her own cancer in 1995. Vianna is an American healer and medical intuitive who has learned how to connect with the Creator to co-create and facilitate the healing processes. She has developed the ability to see clearly into the human body and effect change in the DNA at the core belief, genetic, history and soul levels. She now teaches this to others in seminars all over the United States, Australia, South America and Europe.

What can it help:
Theta Healing can be used to support the healing of physical health problems including chronic, degenerative and DNA related conditions, emotional distress, relationship patterns that keep repeating themselves, low self-esteem and patterns of sabotage that we create out of fear of truly being ourselves. It can be used to change the negative Core Beliefs that limit our life experience.

Doing this facilitates a healing and detoxification of the physical body as well a shift and expansion of consciousness at an emotional and spiritual level as we let go of negative self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours.

It can also be used to remove negative attached energies and entities from people, the land, houses and living spaces. Plants and animals respond well to theta healing.


 Centre Services

Evaluations: Biological Terrain Assessment* ] Body Composition Analysis ] Darkfield Microscopy ] Dental Testing ] Electro-Dermal Screening ] Food Sensitivity Testing ] Heart Rate Variability Analysis ] Laboratory Analysis ] Regulation Thermography* ]

Treatments: Access Bars ] Access Facelift ] Animal Health ] Biopuncture ] Counselling - Online ] Crystal Healing ] Enzyme Therapy ] Far Infrared Sauna ] Flower Essences ] Herbal Medicine ] Homoeopathy ] Indiba or Local Hyperthermia ] Indumed Magnetic Field Therapy ] Kinesiology ] mHBOT - Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ] MORA Bioresonance Therapy ] Mora Colour Therapy ] Matrix Regeneration Therapy ] Nasal Therapy ] Naturopathy ] IO2Th Inhaled Ionised Oxygen Therapy ] Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy ] Reiki ] SCENAR Therapy ] [ Theta Healing ]

Tara Health Centre and Bookshop - 386 Oxford Street,  Mount Hawthorn, Perth, WEstern Australia 6016 Australia

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