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Biological Medicine Network

"Health is something we do to ourselves, not something that is done to us; a journey rather than a destination; a dynamic, holistic, and purposeful way of living"

 - Elliott Dacher, M.D.

Welcome to a new understanding of health and the treatment of disease with European Biological Medicine.

Our culture has created new challenges and stresses for our planet, our bodies, and our daily lives. At the same time, we are so bombarded with confusing and often contradictory information that it is often difficult to figure out the best way to become and stay healthy.

Teufen at Dusk

View a video about Biological Medicine and Paracelsus Clinic:

Rethinking Medicine: The Biological Medicine Network

Who are we and what can we do for you

Are you thinking of visiting the Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland?

If so it is necessary to download the following application form, complete the questionnaires and return to Paul Alexander  at the Tara Centre (by email, fax or mail) as the first step in the application process.

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Paracelsus Patient Information and Application Form

Paracelsus Brochure

Overview of "Bio-logical" Medicine

The basic philosophy of Biological Medicine is expressed by its name: bio-logic, the logic of nature.
By working with the innate wisdom of the body and the natural life-force within and around us, Biological Medicine frees our own natural healing systems to do what they were designed to do. And because every person is unique, Biological Medicine treats the individual and not merely the disease.

Put simply, illness is a state of imbalance.
As Dr. Rau states, we all have a "disease barrel" that fills up over time until eventually it overflows (toxic overload) and manifests as an acute illness, a chronic condition, or even a life threatening disease. Rather than treating particular symptoms, Biological Medicine looks for the "root causes" of those symptoms.

There may be a combination of many causes:

  • toxins,

  • diet,

  • lifestyle,

  • family history

  • emotional stress,

  • as well as environmental and other factors.

On many levels, we are what we eat, drink, and breathe and how we feel, live, and work. We all have "up-building" (regenerative) and "downgrading" (degenerative) forces within us. Biological Medicine talks about looking at the "internal milieu" (the soup in which our cells live) and identifying what is going on inside the body and what could be out of balance. Once balance begins to be restored, the body can use those "up-building" forces, reverse degeneration, and heal itself.

Biological Medicine is also unique in that it offers a synthesis of many of the most time-honored elements of healing combined with high-tech (non invasive) diagnostic methods.

Integrated in this holistic approach is a wide range of tried and true modalities such as Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Anthroposophy, and Traditional Chinese medicine. Some or all of these methods may be used in an individual's detoxification program prescribed to help restore balance and stimulate the body's own innate healing powers.

An integral part and critical component of treating patients at the clinic includes Biological Dentistry, which integrates the close relationship between the teeth and body in the development of illness. Tooth problems (amalgam fillings, root canals, dental focal infections) can profoundly affect our health, often without our being aware of their undermining influences.

Every patient at the Paracelsus Klinik has a complete work up at their dental clinic that includes a full oral exam and a panoramic x-ray as part of the preliminary diagnostic evaluation. Though allopathic medicine generally views teeth as separate from the rest of the body and unrelated to overall health, Biological Medicine considers dental treatments to be a critical part of the detoxification process. Root canals, implants, and dental amalgams containing heavy metals that can cross the brain/blood barrier have been shown to affect our brain cells, immune, and nervous systems. Because so many of us have dental amalgams composed of poisonous substances like mercury (which is so toxic that dentists must dispose of it as hazardous waste), removing those amalgams from the mouth and thereby freeing the body of those sources of toxicity is a fundamental part of healing any disease for Biological Medicine.

We hope we have helped you gain a basic understanding of Biological Medicine. When in the role of the patient, we all want to feel as comfortable and confident as possible with both our choice of physician and method of treatment. Each of us needs to engage in his or her own exploration. We do not claim that Biological Medicine is the answer for everybody, but we do support its philosophies and principles. We hope the outline we have presented here will help you make informed decisions about your own health care. For more in-depth information, please visit the Resource Section (books, videos, articles) and links on our web site, or contact the Biological Medicine Network office to learn about the Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland or a Biological Medicine practitioner near you.

We wish you well in your journey, and the very best in good health.

 Centre Services

Evaluations: Biological Terrain Assessment* ] Body Composition Analysis ] Darkfield Microscopy ] Dental Testing ] Electro-Dermal Screening ] Food Sensitivity Testing ] Heart Rate Variability Analysis ] Laboratory Analysis ] Regulation Thermography* ]

Treatments: Access Bars ] Access Facelift ] Animal Health ] Biopuncture ] Counselling - Online ] Crystal Healing ] Enzyme Therapy ] Far Infrared Sauna ] Flower Essences ] Herbal Medicine ] Homoeopathy ] Indiba or Local Hyperthermia ] Indumed Magnetic Field Therapy ] Kinesiology ] mHBOT - Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ] MORA Bioresonance Therapy ] Mora Colour Therapy ] Matrix Regeneration Therapy ] Nasal Therapy ] Naturopathy ] IO2Th Inhaled Ionised Oxygen Therapy ] Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy ] Reiki ] SCENAR Therapy ] Theta Healing ]

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