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"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of dis-ease."     Thomas Edison

Naturopathic Medicine, or Naturopathy, is a system of medicine that uses natural substances to treat the patient and recognition that the patient's mental, emotional, and physical states must all be treated for a lasting effect.

Our Naturopathic Consultations:

At Tara Health Centre we have qualified naturopaths offering consultations which utilise the state-of-the-art  electro-dermal screening technique. Our practitioners then incorporate a combination of the following therapies:

  • Homoeopathy: homeopathic remedies are included in all general consultations.

  • Vitamin and mineral therapy: Our practitioners may check to see if you lack any particular vitamin or mineral and suggest possible supplements.

  • Enzyme therapy: Certain enzyme products are available which may assist with digestive problems, arthritis and other health concerns.

  • Nutrition including diet advice and plans.

  • Herbal medicine: Some clients require herbal formulations - for example "paragone" a complex of herbs used to help treat and prevent worms and parasites.

  • Flower essences: A selection of either Bach flower remedies, Futureplex flower essences or Australian Bush Flower remedies essences are also incorporated into all regular consultations.

  • MORA Colour Therapy: A form of colour therapy using frequencies more easily absorbed by the body then regular colour therapy. Included in all general naturopathic consultations at Tara Health Centre.

  • MORA Therapy: Also included in all general naturopathic consultations this is a method of balancing and rejuvenating the body using it's own energy.

  • Indumed Magnetic Field Therapy: A gentle magnetic therapy which has a positive effect on cell structure and neural communication.

More about naturopathy:

Naturopathic Medicine has been practiced for hundreds, if not thousands of years and until the late 1800s in the United States, the standard medical schools taught herbal, homoeopathic, and nutritional medicine along with surgery and other types of medicines.

The focus on isolating components of the herbs to create more potent, but potentially more toxic drugs and the advent of antibiotics, (whose long-term adverse consequences were not understood) meant that the slower, more gradual effects of Naturopathic medicine were pushed aside.  The current resurgence is due to recognition of both the accomplishments and the limitations of the current medical system and the efficacy of Naturopathic medicine.

The foundation of Naturopathic medicine is the vitalistic philosophy of the "healing power of nature." This means that within every human organism there is a healing energy, which includes our immune system in the fuller sense of both the physical and the psyche, which is responsible for our wellness and our ability to heal and maintain health.

Following this first premise is the second, that the therapies used to support and stimulate this healing power of nature must be in "the gentlest, least invasive, most efficient manner possible".

The third Naturopathic premise is "to diagnose and treat the cause". Naturopaths do not simply treat the manifestation of the disease but rather search for the cause and treat it.

Many methods of treatment are available to the naturopath in these aims:

Within a naturopathic consultation all areas of life are taken into consideration including:

  • Diet 

  • Work stress 

  • Family and living environment, 

  • Previous and current illness

  • Emotional and mental stress 

  • Exercise  

Assessments may be carried out looking at the iris (Iridology), tongue and nails and part of the consultation may be used for allergy and sensitivity testing. This leads to a holistic plan which suits each individual.

Given the right environment, both internal and external, the body has the ability to heal itself. Naturopathy can play a part in facilitating a change in life that all lead to better health and a sense of well being.

Tara Bookshop has a wide range of books about Naturopathy and it's various modalities.


 Centre Services

Evaluations: Biological Terrain Assessment* ] Body Composition Analysis ] Darkfield Microscopy ] Dental Testing ] Electro-Dermal Screening ] Food Sensitivity Testing ] Heart Rate Variability Analysis ] Laboratory Analysis ] Regulation Thermography* ]

Treatments: Access Bars ] Access Facelift ] Animal Health ] Biopuncture ] Counselling - Online ] Crystal Healing ] Enzyme Therapy ] Far Infrared Sauna ] Flower Essences ] Herbal Medicine ] Homoeopathy ] Indiba or Local Hyperthermia ] Indumed Magnetic Field Therapy ] Kinesiology ] mHBOT - Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ] MORA Bioresonance Therapy ] Mora Colour Therapy ] Matrix Regeneration Therapy ] Nasal Therapy ] [ Naturopathy ] IO2Th Inhaled Ionised Oxygen Therapy ] Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy ] Reiki ] SCENAR Therapy ] Theta Healing ]

Tara Health Centre and Bookshop - 386 Oxford Street,  Mount Hawthorn, Perth, WEstern Australia 6016 Australia

Copyright © 1999       Tara Centre.    All rights reserved.  Revised: February 16, 2024 .